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Apostle Michael Orokpo, a popular evangelist in Nigeria is set to get married to the love of his life in a move many friends and well wishers have waited ages for.

Michael Orokpo Fiancée

Apostle Michael Orokpo who is popular for his ministration of the word of God and teachings has left many hearts excited after he released his pre wedding photographs online.

The renowned and anointed man of God who is the spiritual son to Apostle Osayi Arome is well known amongst Christians in Nigeria, Africa and beyond.

His messages are founded on the scriptures and border around Christian living, Prayer power, Deep spiritual knowledge and realities, rapture, deliverance from demonic oppression and more!

Michael Orokpo Fiancée pre wedding pics

Apostle Michael Orokpo shared the exciting news of his engagement to Osenaga his fiancée on Facebook and also shared the official website of the now upcoming wedding.

Check out the lovely pictures below;

Michael Orokpo Fiancée
Michael Orokpo Fiancée osenaga pre wedding pics
Michael Orokpo Fiancée
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Jay Immanuel is a passionate blogger who is keen to pass across relevant information to users in the web. He can be reached at [email protected]


  1. Emmanuel on

    God bless the union

  2. Pingback: Dates, Time and Venue of Michael Orokpo Traditional Marriage and Church Wedding - Factboyz.com

  3. Pingback: Osenaga Umobuarie Biography, Apostle Orokpo Wife - Factboyz.com

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