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Ajibola Elizabeth (Maami Igbagbo) is a Nigerian actress and content creator who is well known to appear in a number of movies and dramas.

Ajibola Elizabeth (Maami Igbagbo) Biography
NameAjibola Elizabeth (Maami Igbagbo) Omotayo
Date of Birth1995
Age26 years (2021)
Net worth$45,000
ResidenceLagos, Nigeria
Place of BirthEkiti state

Ajibola Elizabeth (Maami Igbagbo) Biography

She was born in Ekiti State in 1995, but had her education in Ikorodu, Lagos State.
Ajibola Elizabeth is the first of five children and is said to have began her acting career in 2018.

Elizabeth was accepted to university in 2016, but had to withdraw out after the death of her mother, the family’s lone breadwinner. These were tough times for her, and the agony of losing a close loved one was too much for her to endure.

Ajibola Elizabeth (Maami Igbagbo) Biography

Ajibola Elizabeth (Maami Igbagbo) Age

Ajibola Elizabeth (Maami Igbagbo) is 26 years old as at 2021. She was born in 1995.

Ajibola Elizabeth (Maami Igbagbo) Net worth

Ajibola Elizabeth (Maami Igbagbo) has a combined estimated net worth of $45,000. She makes most of her money as a brand ambassador and content creator. Ajibola Elizabeth recently purchased a BMW MS vehicle.
This is the only known vehicle owned by her as at 2021.

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Jay Immanuel is a passionate blogger who is keen to pass across relevant information to users in the web. He can be reached at [email protected]

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