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Grichka Bogdanoff Net worth

Grichka Bogdanoff Net worth – Grichka Bogdanoff has a net worth of more than $3 million. He is the identical twin brother of fellow presenter Igor Bogdanoff.

NameGrichka Bogdanoff
Net worth$3 million
Profession/OccupationTV Presenter, Theoretical physicist
Date of Birth29 August 1949

Grichka Bogdanoff Biography

Grichka Bogdanoff (29 August 1949 – 28 December 2021) was a French television presenter, producer, and scientific essayist who worked in science fiction, popular science, and cosmology from the 1970s until the present.

They were involved in a number of issues with his twin brother, the most famous of which being the Bogdanov scandal, in which it was claimed the brothers authored incomprehensible advanced physics papers that were still published in renowned scientific journals.

Grichka Bogdanoff Career

The brothers began their careers in television, hosting a number of popular science and science fiction programs.

Temps X (Time X) was the first of these, and it aired from 1979 to 1989.

The Bogdanoffs debuted a new weekly television show, Rayons X (X Rays), on France 2 in 2002. They aired a 90-minute special cosmology program in August 2004.

The Bogdanoffs were named Chairs of Cosmology at Megatrend University in Belgrade in 2005, and they are stated to lead the Megatrend Laboratory of Cosmology.

Grichka Bogdanoff Background

Maria Maya Dolores Franzyska Kolowrat-Krakowská (1926–1982) and Yuri Mikhalovitch Osten-Sacken-Bogdanoff (1928–2012), a Russian painter of Tatar descent, had identical twin brothers, Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff. Grichka was born 40 minutes before Igor Bogdanoff. Countess Bertha Kolowrat-Krakowská (1890–1982), their maternal grandmother, raised them in her castle in southern France.

The Bogdanoff twins are descended from an aristocratic Muslim Tatar family from Penza dating back to the early 17th century, one of whose mirzas converted to Orthodox Christianity and was awarded with the title of prince by Tsar Fedor III’s proclamation.

However, they were unable to exercise this prerogative, and by the end of the nineteenth century, the title of “Prince Bogdanoff” had been lost.

The Bogdanoff twins have become famous for their prominent cheekbones and chins, despite the fact that they deny having undergone plastic surgery.

The twins’ cheekbones were described as “so high and bulbous as to appear to endanger their owners’ vision” by the Sydney Morning Herald in 2010, and their participation at the Cannes Film Festival had “created a sensation around the world.”

The twins’ cheekbones had become notably larger in the 1990s, according to the Herald, and “growth in their lips and chins remained unabated during the last decade.”

Grichka Bogdanoff Covid-19 and Death

On December 15, 2021, the Bogdanoff twins were both admitted to the hospital in critical condition for COVID-19. Both were able to recuperate after spending time in intensive care. Grichka, who was 72 years old at the time, died of the condition on December 28th. Neither twin was vaccinated against the sickness, according to reports.

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