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Joey Chestnut Net worth

Joey Chestnut has an estimated net worth of $2 million. He presently holds the top spot in the world according to Major League Eating. Chestnut exercises by going without food while also allowing milk, water, and protein supplements to stretch his stomach.

Joey Chestnut, an American competitive eater, was born on November 25, 1983. He presently holds the top spot in the world according to Major League Eating. He was born in California and now makes his home in Westfield, Indiana. Chestnut stands 6 feet, 0 inches (1.83 meters) tall and weighs 230 pounds (100 kg).

What is Joey Chestnut Net worth?

Joey Chestnut has an estimated net worth of $2 million. He presently holds the top spot in the world according to Major League Eating. Chestnut exercises by going without food while also allowing milk, water, and protein supplements to stretch his stomach.

After losing to Takeru “Tsunami” Kobayashi in 2005 and 2006, Chestnut triumphed at the 92nd Annual Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest on July 4, 2007, after downing a world record 66 hot dogs and buns (HDB) in 12 minutes. After tying Kobayashi’s record of 59 HDB in 10 minutes the next year, he won a competition with five hot dogs and successfully retained his championship.

Chestnut exercises by going without food while also allowing milk, water, and protein supplements to stretch his stomach.

His competition weight has ranged from 225-240 pounds (102-109 kg) ever since he began his career in competitive eating. In 2012, he consumed 68 hot dogs to win his sixth straight hot dog eating competition “Till I become 70, I won’t stop.

It’s not about eating in this sport. Hot dog eating ultimately tests my body and my mind because it requires motivation and commitment.” He claims that he cooks hot dogs at home and then consumes them in a competition-like manner as part of his training for hot dog eating contests.

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