Rachel, also known by her stage name Jade, is an aspiring rapper who has previously made an appearance in a video for Nicki Minaj. According to Tovermind, in addition to being a businesswoman, she works behind the bar.
It would appear that she worked in the hospitality industry prior to becoming a prominent figure on social media. Additionally, she is a co-owner of The B3AUTY BOX with her sister. Wigs are the primary product that this brand sells.
Aside from this, Rachel maintains a sizable following across all of her social media platforms. On Instagram, she currently has 1.7 million followers who follow her account.
How long Has Rachel Wattley Dated Tekashi 6ix9ine
The couple started dating in 2018, just a few weeks before the rapper was scheduled to report to jail for his sentence. Since that time, the two of them have been together, and she has been by the rapper’s side throughout their relationship.
In point of fact, Rachel has a tattoo of the rapper on her chest in the form of a portrait. The rapper also thanked her in a post on social media, shouting her out and thanking her for being by her side at all times.