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Noah Beck Net worth

Noah Beck Net worth – Noah Beck has a net worth of $5 million. He is a very influential Tiktoker and social media personality who has more than 2 billion views on TikTok. Noah Beck earns most of his income online as content creator.

Noah Beck Net worth
NameNoah Beck
Date of BirthMay 4, 2001
Age20 years (2021)
Net worth$5 million
GirlfriendDixie D’Amelio

Noah Beck Wiki/Bio

Noah Beck Wiki/Bio – Noah Beck (born May 4, 2001) is an American Tiktoker and social media figure best known for his TikTok videos. During the 2020 epidemic, he began using TikTok and quickly grew. Beck played men’s soccer for the Portland Pilots in 2019 and was a midfielder for the team.

Beck is a Peoria, Arizona native who was born on May 4, 2001.

Noah Beck Net worth

Noah Beck Education

Noah Beck Education – Ironwood High School was Noah Beck’s alma mater at the time. Beck played club soccer for Phoenix’s SC del Sol.

From 2014 to 2017, he captained the United States Youth Soccer Olympic Development Program in Arizona. He played for the Real Salt Lake Academy throughout his final two years of high school.

Beck received a full-ride scholarship at the University of Portland in 2019. Beck played men’s soccer for the Portland Pilots and was a midfielder for the team. Beck finished his second semester of freshman year online before dropping out due to the COVID-19 outbreak in Portland, Oregon.

Noah Beck Career

Noah Beck Career – Beck began using TikTok when quarantined after the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020. Within a month, his videos had become popular.

Beck has 27 million TikTok fans, 7.3 million Instagram followers, and 1.5 million YouTube subscribers as of January 2021. Beck’s programming ranges from dances and skits to music, movie, and TV show audio clips. Noah Beck Net worth

Noah Beck Net worth

After being contacted by a member, Blake Gray, he joined The Sway House in June 2020.

Beck performs duets and collaborates with other social media celebrities on the show. Fans chastised Beck in November 2020 for collecting duet fees, which he subsequently claimed were for brand collaborations. Beck was named one of TikTok’s top ten emerging video creators for 2020.

Beck started acting classes in the year 2021. Noah Beck Tries Things, a short-form show on AwesomenessTV, is about him. On January 22, 2021, the six-part series premiered. His girlfriend, as well as a few of his pals, appear on the show.

Beck appeared on the cover of VMan in March 2021. He was compared to David Bowie, Prince, Troye Sivan, and Harry Styles because of his outfit, which included fishnet tights, cuffed jeans, and stiletto heels. Beck attended the Louis Vuitton men’s fashion show in 2021 as a VIP guest.

Noah Beck Girlfriend

Noah Beck Girlfriend – Since September of 2020, Beck has been dating Dixie D’Amelio. During the COVID-19 epidemic in December 2020, Beck and D’Amelio were chastised by fans for vacationing in Nassau, Bahamas. He said he needed a break. Beck went on to say that they were cautious, that they traveled by private plane, and that they stayed at a hotel that was mostly unoccupied.

Dixie Jane D’Amelio is a social media personality and singer-songwriter from the United States who is most known for her TikTok videos. The oldest D’Amelio sister is D’Amelio. Norwalk, Connecticut, is her hometown. Noah Beck Net worth

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