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Granville Adams ‘Oz’ Net worth – How Rich was Granville Adams

Granville Adams ‘Oz’ Net worth – How Rich was Granville Adams – Granville Adams ‘Oz’ had an estimated net worth of $700,000. However, most of his earnings were spent on treating his cancer ailment.

Granville Adams 'Oz' Net worth
NameGranville Adams
Date of BirthOctober 8, 1963
Age58 years (2021)
Net worth$700,000
WifeChristina Adams
Cause of DeathCancer
Date of DeathOctober 10, 2021

Granville Adams ‘Oz’ Wiki

Granville Adams ‘Oz’ Wiki – Granville Adams (October 8, 1963 – October 10, 2021) was an American actor who starred in the HBO television series Oz as Zahir Arif. He also had a recurring role as Officer Jeff Westby in the NBC series Homicide: Life on the Street.

Granville Adams 'Oz' Net worth

Granville Adams ‘Oz’ Career

Granville Adams ‘Oz’ Career – Adams was a regular on “Oz” for all six seasons. Throughout the jail drama, his character undergoes a spiritual transformation. Adams’ acting credits include include roles on “Empire” and “Homicide: Life on the Street,” among others. Granville Adams ‘Oz’ Net worth

Granville Adams ‘Oz’ Controversy

Granville Adams ‘Oz’ Controversy – Adams was arrested and charged with criminally negligent homicide for the death of a man in a nightclub on February 4, 2007.

Adams allegedly got into an incident with Orlando Valle at BED New York, a Manhattan nightclub where Adams worked as a manager, according to police reports. He was accused of pushing Valle against the sixth-floor club’s elevator doors, causing the doors to become dislodged and Valle to fall to his death down the shaft.

Adams was attempting to break up an altercation between a patron and an employee when Valle assaulted Adams from behind, and Adams retaliated in self-defense by tossing Valle off his back, according to Adams’ counsel. Adams was released on $5,000 bail and may face up to four years in jail if he did not post bail. Due to the incident, BED New York has since closed.

A court dismissed the allegations against Adams on June 30, 2007. Valle’s family sued Adams in civil court.

Granville Adams ‘Oz’ Cancer

Granville Adams ‘Oz’ Cancer – In 2020, Adams revealed that he had been diagnosed with cancer for the first time. Since then, he’d sent updates on his health, including one from the hospital after radiation therapy 10 weeks ago.

Granville Adams 'Oz' Net worth

Several cast members have set up a GoFundMe page to assist his family with medical costs.

Granville Adams ‘Oz’ Death

Granville Adams ‘Oz’ Death – Granville Adams ‘Oz’ died on October 10, 2021 after fighting hard against cancer.

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Jay Immanuel is a passionate blogger who is keen to pass across relevant information to users in the web. He can be reached at [email protected]

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