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Lisa Barlow Net worth

Lisa Barlow Net worth – Lisa Barlow’s net worth is $5 million as at 2021. Her various companies, which included restaurants, booze, and beauty goods, provided her with the majority of her income. Her role on the reality television show “Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” also nets her a sizable sum of money.

Lisa Barlow Biography

Lisa Barlow Biography – Lisa Barlow is an actress who has appeared in The Housewives of the North Pole (2021), Entertainment Tonight (1981), and The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, among other roles (2020). Since July 15, 2003, she has been married to John Barlow. They are the parents of two children.

Lisa Barlow Background

Lisa Barlow was born in New York and has lived in Utah for almost 20 years.

As the owner of LUXE marketing and a number of other businesses, including VIDA tequila. Lisa is a New York native who has lived in Utah for over 20 years.

Lisa Barlow Husband

Lisa is married to John Barlow, and they have two children together. She has two children and has lived in Utah for more than two decades.

He was Lisa’s business partner as well. He was a co-owner of VIDA Tequila and Jack Henry Spirits, a liquor company. Brigham Young University was his alma mater. So it’s no surprise that they met for the first time in this location.

Lisa Barlow Children

On July 15, 2003, John and Lisa tied the knot. As of 2021, they have two boys, Jack (17 years old) and Henry (7 years old).

Lisa Barlow Height

If her images, taken in relation to her surroundings, offer any indication, she is rather tall. However, information on her exact height and other bodily measurements are still unavailable.

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Jay Immanuel is a passionate blogger who is keen to pass across relevant information to users in the web. He can be reached at [email protected]

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