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How The Police Caught Frank James The Subway Shooter

Frank James, the suspect in the Brooklyn subway shooting, was apprehended within 30 hours of the incident thanks to a mix of on-the-ground investigative work, technology, and possibly a tip from the fugitive himself, according to investigators.

“We were able to quickly shrink his universe. There was nowhere else he could flee to “Commissioner Keechant Sewell of the New York Police Department spoke at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.

Soon after the occurrence at the crime scene, the 36th Street subway station in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, where multiple eyewitnesses filmed and photographed James, officers acquired their first lead.

A 9 millimeter Glock allegedly used in the shooting, his coat, a bag filled with pyrotechnics, and James’ credit card were among the items left behind by the suspect, according to police, which let investigators follow his activities before and after the incident.

According to authorities, James used the credit card to rent a U-Haul van, which was found parked five miles southeast of the station. Later that evening, officers found the vehicle and recovered it.

According to the NYPD, James bought the rifle legally in Ohio in 2011. According to the organization, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives is now reviewing data relating to the gun.

According to detectives, cameras were not working inside the 36th Street subway station, but he was videotaped approaching the subway station close where the van was discovered. He was also seen less than 30 minutes after the shooting at the 7th Avenue station in Park Slope, almost three miles north of the crime scene.

According to authorities, James fled the scene in a R train from the 36th Street stop.

While detectives combed through evidence, including James’ social media rants in which he railed against New York City Mayor Eric Adams, police released James’ photo to the public Tuesday night and identified him as a “person of interest.”

At a press conference on Tuesday, John Miller, the NYPD deputy commissioner for intelligence and counterterrorism, said, “That was a major influence on elevating the kind of public awareness.”

At 10:21 a.m. Wednesday, a mobile alert with James’ description was sent out to New York City residents, barely hours after the police formally named him as a suspect.

A few hours later, the NYPD got a Crime Stoppers report alleging James was inside a McDonald’s in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. According to accounts, the tipper could have been James himself.

“I believe you’re on the lookout for me.” According to reports, one of the tipsters reportedly claimed, “I’m seeing my photo all over the news, and I’ll be around this McDonald’s.”

The 911 call is being investigated, according to an NYPD official.

According to the NYPD, when cops arrived at the McDonald’s, James was nowhere to be found, so they drove about the neighborhood.

According to police, officers discovered James in the East Village section of Manhattan at 1:45 p.m. and detained him without incident.

The FBI, ATF, and other federal law enforcement organizations have claimed they are still looking into the shooting’s evidence and clues.

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Jay Immanuel is a passionate blogger who is keen to pass across relevant information to users in the web. He can be reached at [email protected]

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